A Creative Spiritual Presence
Russell Scott has been described as a philosopher/singer-songwriter who brings his passion for nature and personal exploration into his folk music, his touching lyrics often standing alone as pure poetry.
With a finger-style guitar expertise drawn from Bruce Cockburn and vocal style reminiscent of Gordon Lightfoot, his music is like an autumn leaf, a multi-coloured revelation of what is hidden under the normal display that we present to the world.
He was a frequent featured singer at “Songwriter’s Unite” at Hugh’s Room in Toronto and was selected to sing one of his songs at the Ontario Council of Folk Festivals.
His CD "The Master Key" displays tasteful arrangements and guitar wizardry. His songs are poignant; they will touch you deeply and you can’t help but be moved.
His newer album "Sweet Leela" has more elaborate instrumentation, and beautiful poetry, relaying a sense of love through the music.

The power with which my heart and my spirit are called forth by Russell’s music belies any stylistic label which might be applied to it. If this can be called performing, then it is performing of a very special sort. It is as if he is in each moment singing and playing from somewhere deep within the words and the tunes of the songs he so generously shares. And the resonances thus created flow out and equally enliven those who have joined with him as an audience. He’s no folk singer; he’s someone who lives deep within his spirit – deep within life -- and brings that out through this particular idiom.
- Michael George Vesselago The Gathering, House Concert
Russell’s songs penetrate to the heart of human experience, even as they bring a smile to my face. For me, this quirky depth is his trademark: this is the music – and the humour – of awakening
- Barbara Turner Director/Freefall Writing Workshops
Russell's thought-provoking lyrics, skilful acoustic guitar work, and well crafted arrangements blend smoothly to provide deeply satisfying listening pleasure. If you like the song writing and technical brilliance of musicians like Bruce Cockburn and Don Ross, you will certainly enjoy Russell Scott!
- Bob Froese, Organizer, Newmarket Main Street Folk and Blues Festival
I have been calling myself an industrial-strength environmentalist (hopefully in practice as well as in spirit) for a long time, but Russell is the real deal. I commend the man for the way he lets these concerns and beliefs encompass his tunes. There are few like him. He certainly is one of the most honest, and I'm grateful that he's out there doing it.
- Terry Tufts, singer, songwriter